Tell me it’s not so!

I cannot believe my little precious angel is already 7 months old. I just can’t believe how big she is getting. Everyday we have her we grow more and more in love. She is seriously the best.thing.ever. I have never loved anything in my life like I love that little girl. I could gush on about her for hours so I will stop now!

She is getting so good at sitting up! She has also started to blow raspberries. I just know she will be crawling soon too! She also kinda lifts up her arms a little bit when she wants you to pick her up. It is so cute! She loves to sit in our bed and just smiles and smiles. She likes to jump in her jumparoo and thinks it is SO funny. Matt and I just laugh and laugh at her. I swear she is so stinking cute we can hardly stand it. Here are some more pics of my cutie pie!

Looking at Daddy!

Super cute!

So big!

Giving Daddy the side eye!

I do think she is perfect! Even if I could I wouldn’t change a thing!

See! She is almost crawling!

Love, LOVE a sleeping Avery!

I think she is still a little too little for this. We tried it at Loren’s house and she like it for a second or two..

She loves walks!

More sleeping pics!

We also gave her Cheerios for the first time. They were a fail!

She was happy after she spit it up

Here she is today on our walk! She loves it!

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I’ve been bad!

I havent posted in SO long!  I have been super busy.  Work and having a young baby makes it hard to take time to write about things and post pictures.  Let’s see… Avery is doing great!  Growing like a WEED!!  She is more fun everyday!  We are still struggling w/ the sleep thing..  We have our good and bad nights and have started to let her cry a little in hopes she will learn how to put herself back to sleep.  We have had some success so that is a good.  She was sick for the first time last week.  She had a 103 degree fever and ended up w/ a stomach virus.  We think she picked it up at the gym daycare.  Poor little baby felt so bad and it was a rough night for Mommy and Avery.  We took  her to the pedi and she weighed 17.4 lbs!

We also think she is on the verge of crawling.  She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth.  It is so cute!  She is sitting pretty well and is grabbing for everything!!  Still no teeth or talking but we know that will be coming soon!  She loves to eat solids and so far has tried bananas, apples, pears, peaches, mixed fruit yogurt, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, corn, and maybe a few more but thats all I can think of now!  So below are some of her latest pictures!  We got her 6 month pics back from the photographer and they turned out great!!

My favorite pic of us 3 so far!

Seriously she should be a baby model!

Gig ‘Em


These are just random photos of my girl!

My first ride in a shopping cart w/o my car seat! Notice the isle! This was also on my Mom’s 29th b-day!

Face off w/ Lexi the cat

This is what I do at 2 am and scream until Mom and Dad come help me – even though I know how to roll over

Me and my favorite toy

Love her expression!

Hello Mom can we go please?

I heart water – especially in my A&M cup!

Baths are fun!

I smell so good after my bath!

And my new favorite thing is sti stick out my tongue!

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6 months!

Avery was 6 months old yesterday.  We took her to the doctor and she weighs 16.8 lbs and is 25.5 inches long.  The doctor said she looks great!  She also got 3 shots.  She handled them pretty well but got a 100.0 fever last night.  She had it throughout the day today but it seems to be gone now (hopefully!).  I’m hoping she will now go back to sleeping regularly because the last 4 nights have been tough!  She had bad gas for 3 nights and now a fever and hasn’t been able to sleep.  Monday night was so bad we had to drive around Keller at 1am to finally get her to go to sleep! Mommy and Daddy are tired!! 

Below is a pic of my girl on her 6 month b-day!

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Almost 6 months!

I know I say this a lot but I have been a total slacker!  I have been busy at work and Avery takes up most of my time when I get home.  Before I know it, its bed time and the cycle repeats!!  We had a fun weekend in Beaumont for Labor day and Avery got to “suit up” for her first Aggie football game!  We also had a visit by her other set of grandparents a few weeks ago. 

As for Avery she is ALMOST crawling.  She gets up on her knees and then falls down.  I know its going to happen soon!  She is also close to sitting.  She can sit for 30 seconds or so if I prop her up a certain way but I know she will be able to hold herself up soon!  I think she is on the verge of getting teeth too because she has been crankier than normal and has been drooling a lot and sticking her hands in her mouth.  Poor baby! 

Here are some recent pics of my beautiful girl!

Getting fed by Granny


Hanging out w/ Granny

Playing w/ my toys! – I think she looks like such a big girl here!

So stinking cute!

Gig ‘Em AGGIES!!

OMG!! How is she not the cutest thing ever??

In her full gear!

Allie and Natalie wanted to feed her at Grammy and Pop’s house. Too cute!


Just a cute pic of precious!

She went swimming for the first time and got a cute little bathing suit from Matt’s cousin Connie

The Cains!

Tuckered out little girl!

And last but not least our little family!

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5 months!

I cant believe Avery is 5 months old already.  She is growing like a weed!  I have also been taking videos of her and I want to share them as well!  Hope you are all doing well!


Super cute baby girl!

Avery rolling!

Avery squealing!

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Sleeping unswaddled!

Avery has started to sleep unswaddled!! This is a big deal for us since I tried about a month ago and it was a huge FAIL! She woke up 7 times and we decided she wasnt ready. Well, all of a sudden she started to act like she didnt want to be swaddled. We had been keeping one arm out a night to get her use to the idea and had been doing it for a week or two. Well on Tuesday we decided to stop and she has been sleeping pretty well! I think she can move around and get comfortable which helps her stay asleep or fall back asleep if she wakes up. So, that is definitely a win for us! She has also started to like the cereal a little more. I think I may bump it up to two feedings a day and then maybe try some veggies! We shall see what she thinks!

She seems to be learning more everyday. She has now started “talking” a lot and likes to make a ton of noise. We of course think it is adorable! Matt likes to have a screaming match with her and she thinks it is SO funny! She hasnt mastered rolling over from her back to her tummy but is getting close. I think she has started to really recognize us especially Matt. She LOVES her daddy and even though it sometimes hurts my feelings I am so happy and grateful she has such a sweet daddy! Here are some recent pics!

This bib says it all! She is our princess!

I know this is a silly picture but she has really been sticking her tongue out. A LOT! I think she just realized she has something in her mouth!

LOVE her shirt! It says, “If you think I am cute you should see my Mom”! So true, right?? LOL!

This is her almost rolling over!

Aint she beautiful???

See told you she likes to stick her tongue out! Amy made me this shirt at my shower. It says, “Mommy’s big deal”

I have no idea what she is looking at, but she looks sneaky! ANd adorable of course!

We put her in her exersaucer last weekend. She seemed to like it even though I had to put a book under her legs b/c she is still too short. She liked to dance to the music.

So there are some pictures of our pretty little girl. Hope you enjoy them and God bless!


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It’s been a while!

I have a lot to update; I’ve been a slacker!  We were out-of-town the past two weekends so this weekend it was nice to be at home.  I will update in pics!

The weekend of June 26th we went to Bellville for my high school reunion. We ended up not staying long b/c the reunion was at a bar and we didn’t want Avery around smoke. I was annoyed/disappointed b/c the invite said “Bring your families” – who brings their family to a bar??? Anyway, we ended up just hanging out w/ my parents. Here are some pics!

Avery at my Granny’s house in the outfit her Granny bought her

Avery and her Granny

Avery and her grandparents

Avery and mommy in the mule!

The next weekend we went to the lake house. It was nice to have a mini-vacation since I had a 4 day weekend.

Avery in her cute “firecracker” outfit!

Pops and his girls

Avery and Pops

Avery having fun w/ tummy time!

My cutie pie!

The mule that we decorated for the parade

Love this little girl!

How are we going to say no to this face?

This week little miss Avery turned 4 months old! I cant believe it! Makes me so sad! She’s becoming such a big girl!

She had to get shots on her b-day. Poor baby!  She weighed 13lbs 8oz and is 24 inches long!

She also tried cereal today. She wasnt a huge fan as you can tell my the pictures!

Before she started the cereal


I’m done!

Here are some other cute pics too!
Sleeping on her seahorse



Smiling for Mommy!

Avery in her t-shirt! Too cute!


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Avery’s 3 month pics

Here are Avery’s 3 month pictures. They turned out good considering how cranky she was due to the 95+ degree weather. Here are some of the ones I like best. She got some really good ones of Daddy and Avery!

All of these were taken by Amanda Holcomb. Her website is

Tummy time!

Cute baby girl

Family of 3!

Just A!

Daddy and A!

Mommy and A!

Aunt Moe and A!

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Happy Father’s Day

Today is Matt’s first Father’s day!  I’m so thankful that Avery has such a sweet and special Daddy!  I dont think she could have asked for a better one!  He has so much patience and love for her that it warms my heart!  I think she is going to be a daddy’s girl because no one can make her smile like he can!  They say that having a good father is so important for girls and helps prevent things like teen pregnancy, getting into an abusive relationship, eating disorders and other things that plague young girls these days.  I pray that she doesnt go through those things and knows that she always has us here for her!  I took a few pictures of Matt and Avery together today (of course), so here they are!

So sweet!

My two favorite people! It doesnt get better than this!


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3 months old!

I cant believe my girl is 3 months old today!!  WOW!!  What a change to our lives these last 3 months have been!  Avery has also decided the last two nights to wake up at 3:30 and 4am to eat!  She was sleeping until 6 or 7 am but I guess she’s just going through a growth spurt or something and needs more food!  I, of course, had to take some pictures today on her 3 month b-day!  She makes me smile and I hope these make you smile too!

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